Since 1953

With 71 years of experience, we share our commitment and passion in providing the highest standards of scientific research. We create international scientific projects, educate doctoral students, contribute to the development of science and support initiatives in technology transfer. We take pride in standing among the leading scientific centers in Europe.


News Robotic Mobile System

Robotic Mobile System

Janusz Będkowski (PhD, DSc), Department of Intelligent Technologies IPPT PAN, is conducting innovative research using robotic mobile 3D scanning systems.

News Web of Science

Web of Science

Engineering Transactions has been approved and included in Web of Science's Emerging Sources Citation Index!

News New PASIFIC project at IPPT PAN

New PASIFIC project at IPPT PAN

Syed Ahmed Shah, PhD, Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter, is conducting a research project titled “Biopolymer based Enzyme-mediated fast in situ injectable hydrogels laden with Curcumin nanocrystals for bone tissue engineering”.

News About prof. Jan Rychlewski

About prof. Jan Rychlewski

On May 23, we commemorate the 90th birthday anniversary of the late Professor Jan Rychlewski (1934–2011) and recall this distinguished scientist from IPPT PAN

News New Publication

New Publication

The IPPT PAN has released translations of Prof. Jan Rychlewski's work titled "CEIIINOSSSTTUV: Mathematical Structure of Elastic Bodies", individually in Polish and English by Andrzej Ziółkowski, PhD Eng., who also provided extended commentary...

News Archive

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Latest Publications

no pdf 8967 Podulka P., Macek W., Zima B., Kopeć M., Ricardo B., Achtelik H., Fracture surface topography measurements analysis of low-alloyed corrosion resistant steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests, PRECISION ENGINEERING, pp.1-34, 2024

pdf 8964 Zawidzka E., Szklarski J. T., Kobaka J., Zawidzki M., Przykłady Małej Architektury w oparciu o System Arm-Z, POMIARY - AUTOMATYKA - ROBOTYKA. PAR, Vol. 2, pp.73-80, 2024

pdf 8963 Danila P., van D., Kuniewicz M., Dolega-Dolegowski D., Pręgowska A., Andree A., Dobrzyński H., Proniewska K., Interactive teaching of medical 3D cardiac anatomy: atrial anatomy enhanced by ECG and 3D visualization , FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, Vol. 11, No. 1422017, pp.1-8, 2024

pdf 8962 Keigo Y., Ario I., Zawidzki M., Yuta H., Optimization Problem of the size-scale for a Foldable Chain Scissors Structure based on Stress Analysis, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Vol. 2647, pp.1-9, 2024

pdf 8960 Kozachinskiy A., Steifer T., Simple Online Learning with Consistent Oracle, COLT 2024, 37TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON LEARNING THEORY, 2024-06-30/07-03, EDMONTON (CA), Vol. 247, pp.1-16, 2024

Latest Patent

PAT.245063, Modular system for creating rigid pipe structure of any shape, Zawidzki M., IPPT PAN

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