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Nowak Z., Perzyna P., The Identfication Procedure for The Constitutive Model of Elasto-Viscoplasticity Describing the Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Titanium,
ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS (ROZPRAWY INŻYNIERSKIE), ISSN: 0867-888X, Vol.62, No.3, pp.221-240, 2014Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is the description of the behaviour of the ultrafine- grained (UFG) titanium by the constitutive model of elasto-viscoplasticity with the development of the identification procedure. We intend to utilize the constitutive model of the thermodynamical theory of elasto-viscoplasticity for description of nanocrystalline metals presented by Perzyna [21]. The identification procedure is based on experimental observation data obtained by JIA et al. [11] for ultrafine-grained titanium and by Wang et al. [25] for nanostructured titanium. Hexagonal close-packed (hcp) ultrafine-grained titanium processed by sever plastic deformation (SPD) has gained wide interest due to its excellent mechanical properties and potential applications as biomedical implants Keywords: elasto-viscoplasticity, nanocrystalline titanium, uniaxial compression Affiliations:
Nowak Z. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Kosiński W., Perzyna P., On consequences of the principle of stationary action for dissipative bodies,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.64, No.1, pp.95-106, 2012Abstract: The aim of this note is to show possible consequences of the principle of stationary action formulated for dissipative bodies. The material structure with internal state variables is considered for those bodies. The appropriate action functional is proposed for a typical dissipative body. Possible variations of fields of dependent state variables are introduced together with a non-commutative rule between operations of taking variations of the field and their partial time derivatives. Assuming vanishing of the first variation of the functional, the balance of linear momentum in differential form is received together with evolution equations for internal state variables and stress boundary condition. Keywords: dissipative bodies, principle of stationary action, Lagrangian, non-commutative rule, internal state variables Affiliations:
Kosiński W. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Perzyna P., Multiscale Constitutive Modelling of the Influence of Anisotropy Effects on Fracture Phenomena in Inelastic Solids,
ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS (ROZPRAWY INŻYNIERSKIE), ISSN: 0867-888X, Vol.60, No.3, pp.225-284, 2012Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is the consistent development of the thermodynamical theory of elasto-viscoplasticity within the framework of a unique constitutive material structure. The focus of attention on the description of the influence of anisotropy effects on fracture phenomena is proposed. In the first part a general principle of determinism is formulated and a unique constitutive material structure is developed. The original conception of the intrinsic state of a particle X during motion of a body B has been assumed. A notion of the method of preparation of the deformation-temperature configuration of a particle X has been proposed as a simple way of the gathering information for the description of the internal dissipation. As the basis of the thermodynamical requirements the dissipation principle in the form of the Clausius-Duhem inequality is assumed. By particular assumption of the method of preparation space for a unique constitutive material structure the internal state variable material structure has been constructed. In the second part the thermodynamical theory of elasto-viscoplasticity within the framework of the internal state variable material structure is formulated. Introduction of a finite set of the internal state variables is based on multiscale considerations in analysis of the physical foundations of inelastic solids and experimental observation results. Particular attention is focused on the determination of the evolution laws for the introduced internal state variables. Fracture criterion based on the evolution of the anisotropic intrinsic microdamage is proposed. Affiliations:
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Frąś T., Nowak Z., Perzyna P., Pęcherski R.B., Identification of the model describing viscoplastic behaviour of high strength metals,
INVERSE PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1741-5977, DOI: 10.1080/17415977.2010.531474, Vol.19, No.1, pp.17-30, 2011Abstract: Ultrafine grained (UFG) and nanocrystalline metals (nc-metals) are studied. Experimental investigations of the behaviour of such materials under quasistatic as well as dynamic loading conditions related with microscopic observations show that in many cases the dominant mechanism of plastic strain is a multiscale development of shear deformation modes. The comprehensive discussion of these phenomena in UFG and nc-metals is given in M.A. Meyers, A. Mishra and D.J. Benson [Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials, Progr. Mater. Sci. 51 (2006), pp. 427–556], where it has been shown that the deformation mode of nanocrystalline materials changes as the grain size decreases into the ultrafine region. For smaller grain sizes (d < 300 nm) shear band development occurs immediately after the onset of plastic flow. Significant strain-rate dependence of the flow stress, particularly at high strain rates, was also emphasized. Our objective is to identify the parameters of Perzyna constitutive model, a new description of viscoplastic deformation, which accounts for the observed shear banding. The viscoplasticity model proposed earlier by Perzyna [Fundamental problems in viscoplasticity, Adv. Mech. 9 (1966), pp. 243–377] was extended in order to describe the shear banding contribution in Z. Nowak, P. Perzyna, R.B. Pecherski [Description of viscoplastic fow accounting for shear banding, Arch. Metall. Mater. 52 (2007), pp. 217–222]. The shear banding contribution function, which was introduced formerly by Pe¸cherski [Modelling of large plastic deformation produced by micro-shear banding, Arch. Mech. 44 (1992), pp. 563–584] and applied in continuum plasticity accounting for shear banding in R.B. Pecherski [Macroscopic measure of the rate of deformation produced by micro-shear banding, Arch. Mech. 49 (1997), pp. 385–401] plays pivotal role in the viscoplasticity model. The derived constitutive equations were identified and verified with the application of experimental data provided in the article by D. Jia, K.T. Ramesh and E. Ma [Effects of nanocrystalline and ultrafne grain sizes on constitutive behavior and shear bands in iron, Acta Mat. 51 (2003), pp. 3495–3509], where quasistatic and dynamic compression tests with UFG and nanocrystalline iron specimens of a wide range of mean grain size were reported. Numerical simulation of the compression of the prismatic specimen was made by the ABAQUS FEM program with UMAT subroutine. Comparison with experimental results proved the validity of the
identified parameters and the possibilities of the application of the proposed description for other high strength metals. Keywords: Ultra fine grained metals, nanocrystalline metals, viscoplastic deformation, shear banding, shear banding contribution function, numerical simulation of compression test, identification of the model parameters Affiliations:
Frąś T. | - | IPPT PAN | Nowak Z. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN | Pęcherski R.B. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Nowacki W.K., Nowak Z., Perzyna P., Pęcherski R.B., Effect of strain rate on ductile fracture. A new methodology,
JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS, ISSN: 1429-2955, Vol.48, No.4, pp.1003-1026, 2010Abstract: The aim of our study is to discuss a new methodology to account for the effect of strain rate on ductile fracture phenomena. Theory of inelastic materials accounting for the effects of microshear bands and microdamage is presented. The influence of microshear bands is explained by means of a function describing the instantaneous contribution of shear banding in the total rate of plastic deformation. The experimental investigations of the effect of strain rate on ductile fracture with use of the results of a dynamic double shear test of DH-36 steel with thermographic observations are reported. The registration of temperature evolution during the deformation process can provide additional data for the identification of the shear banding contribution function and the onset of ductile fracture. Keywords: Effect of strain rate, ductile fracture, dynamic double shear test, DH-36 steel, thermographic observation Affiliations:
Nowacki W.K. | - | IPPT PAN | Nowak Z. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN | Pęcherski R.B. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Glema A.♦, Łodygowski T.♦, Perzyna P., Numerical investigation of dynamic shear bands in inelastic solids as a problem of mesomechanics,
COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, ISSN: 0178-7675, DOI: 10.1007/s00466-007-0180-z, Vol.41, No.2, pp.219-229, 2008Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is to discuss very efficient procedure of the numerical investigation of the propagation of shear band in inelastic solids generated by impact-loaded adiabatic processes. This procedure of investigation is based on utilization the finite element method and ABAQUS system for regularized thermo-elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model of damaged material. A general constitutive model of thermo-elasto-viscoplastic polycrystalline solids with a finite set of internal state variables is used. The set of internal state variables is restricted to only one scalar, namely equivalent inelastic deformation. The equivalent inelastic deformation can describe the dissipation effects generated by viscoplastic flow phenomena.
As a numerical example we consider dynamic shear band propagation in an asymmetrically impact-loaded prenotched thin plate. The impact loading is simulated by a velocity boundary condition, which are the results of dynamic contact problem. The separation of the projectile from the specimen, resulting from wave reflections within the projectile and the specimen, occurs in the phenomenon.
A thin shear band region of finite width which undergoes significant deformation and temperature rise has been determined. Shear band advance, shear band velocity and the development of the temperature field as a function of time have been determined. Qualitative comparison of numerical results with experimental observation data has been presented. The numerical results obtained have proven the usefulness of the thermo-elasto-viscoplastic theory in the investigation of dynamic shear band propagations. Affiliations:
Glema A. | - | other affiliation | Łodygowski T. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Glema A.♦, Łodygowski T.♦, Sumelka W.♦, Perzyna P., Numerical Analysis of the Intrinsic Anisotropic Microdamage Evolution in Elasto-Viscoplastic Solids,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAMAGE MECHANICS, ISSN: 1056-7895, DOI: 10.1177/1056789508097543, Vol.18, No.3, pp.205-231, 2008Abstract: The objective of the present article is to show the formulation for elastic-viscoplastic material model accounting for intrinsic anisotropic microdamage. The strain-induced anisotropy is described by the evolution of the intrinsic microdamage process — defined by the second-order microdamage tensor. The first step of the possibility of identification procedure (calibration of parameters) are also accounted and illustrated by numerical examples. Keywords: microdamage, anisotropy Affiliations:
Glema A. | - | other affiliation | Łodygowski T. | - | other affiliation | Sumelka W. | - | Poznan University of Technology (PL) | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Perzyna P., The thermodynamical theory of elasto-viscoplasticity accounting for microshear banding and induced anisotropy effects,
MECHANICS, ISSN: 1734-8927, Vol.27, No.1, pp.25-42, 2008Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is the development of thermo-elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model of a material which takes into consideration induced anisotropy effects as well as observed contribution to strain rate effects generated by microshear banding. Physical foundations and experimental motivations for both induced anisotropy and microshear banding effects have been presented. The model is developed within the thermodynamic framework of the rate type covariance constitutive structure with a finite set of the internal state variables. A set of internal state variables consists of one scalar and two tensors, namely the equivalent inelastic deformation e/p the second order microdamage tensor [symbol] with the physical interpretation that ([formula]) defines the volume fraction porosity and the residual stress tensor (the backstress) alpha. The equivalent inelastic deformation [symbol] describes the dissipation effects generated by viscoplastic flow phenomena, the microdamage tensor [symbol] takes into account the anisotropic intrinsic microdamage mechanisms on internal dissipation and the back stress tensor alpha aims at the description of dissipation effects caused by the kinematic hardening. To describe suitably the influence of both induced anisotropy effects and the stress triaxiality observed experimentally the new kinetic equations for the microdamage tensor [symbol] and for the back stress tensor alpha are proposed. The relaxation time Tm is used as a regularization parameter. To describe the contribution to strain rate effects generated by microshear banding we propose to introduce certain scalar function which affects the relaxation time Tm in the viscoplastic flow rule. Fracture criterion based on the evolution of the anisotropic intrinsic microdamege is formulated. The fundamental features of the proposed constitutive theory have been carefully discussed. The purpose of the development of this theory is in future applications for the description of important problems in modem manufacturing processes, and particularly for meso-, micro-, and nano-mechanical issues. This description is needed for the investigation by using the numerical methods how to avoid unexpected plastic strain localization and localized fracture phenomena in new manufacturing technology. Keywords: thermodynamical theory of elasto-viscoplasticity, microshear banding, induced anisotropy, microdamage, fracture phenomena Affiliations:
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Nowak Z., Perzyna P., Pęcherski R.B., Description of viscoplastic flow accounting for shear banding,
ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, Vol.52, No.2, pp.217-222, 2007Abstract: The subject of the study is concerned with ultra fine grained (ufg) and nanocrystalline metals (nc-metals). Experimental investigations of the behaviour of such materials under quasistatic as well as dynamic loading conditions related with microscopic observations show that in many cases the dominant mechanism of plastic strain is multiscale development of shear deformation modes – called shear banding. The comprehensive discussion of these phenomena in ufg and nc-metals is given in [1], [2] and [3], where it has been shown that the deformation mode of nanocrystalline materials changes as the grain size decreases into the ultrafine region. For smaller grain sizes (d < 300 nm) shear band development occurs immediately after the onset of plastic flow. Significant strain-rate dependence of the flow stress, particularly at high strain rates was also emphasized. Our objective is to propose a new description of viscoplastic deformation, which accounts for the observed shear banding. Viscoplasticity model proposed earlier by P e r z y n a [4], [5] was extended in order to describe the shear banding contribution. The shear banding contribution function, which was introduced formerly by P ę c h e r s k i [6], [7] and applied in continuum plasticity accounting for shear banding in [8] and [9] as well as in [10] and [11] plays pivotal role in the viscoplasticity model. The derived constitutive equations were identified and verified with application of experimental data provided in paper [2], where quasistatic and dynamic compression tests of ufg and nanocrystalline iron specimens of a wide range of mean grain size were reported. The possibilities of the application of the proposed description for other ufg and nc-metals are discussed. Keywords: Viscoplastic flow, shear banding, micro-shear bands, nanocrystalline metals, nc-metals, ultra fine grain (ufg) metals Affiliations:
Nowak Z. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN | Pęcherski R.B. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Woelke P.♦, Voyiadjis G.Z.♦, Perzyna P., Elasto-plastic finite element analysis of shells with damage due to microvoids,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0029-5981, DOI: 10.1002/nme.1711, Vol.68, No.3, pp.338-380, 2006Abstract: This paper presents a non-linear finite element analysis for the elasto-plastic behaviour of thick/thin shells and plates with large rotations and damage effects. The refined shell theory given by Voyiadjis and Woelke (Int. J. Solids Struct. 2004; 41:3747–3769) provides a set of shell constitutive equations. Numerical implementation of the shell theory leading to the development of the C0 quadrilateral shell element (Woelke and Voyiadjis, Shell element based on the refined theory for thick spherical shells. 2006, submitted) is used here as an effective tool for a linear elastic analysis of shells. The large rotation elasto-plastic model for shells presented by Voyiadjis and Woelke (General non-linear finite element analysis of thick plates and shells. 2006, submitted) is enhanced here to account for the damage effects due to microvoids, formulated within the framework of a micromechanical damage model. The evolution equation of the scalar porosity parameter as given by Duszek-Perzyna and Perzyna (Material Instabilities: Theory and Applications, ASME Congress, Chicago, AMD-Vol. 183/MD-50, 9–11 November 1994; 59–85) is reduced here to describe the most relevant damage effects for isotropic plates and shells, i.e. the growth of voids as a function of the plastic flow. The anisotropic damage effects, the influence of the microcracks and elastic damage are not considered in this paper. The damage modelled through the evolution of porosity is incorporated directly into the yield function, giving a generalized and convenient loading surface expressed in terms of stress resultants and stress couples. A plastic node method (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 1982; 34:1089–1104) is used to derive the large rotation, elasto-plastic-damage tangent stiffness matrix. Some of the important features of this paper are that the elastic stiffness matrix is derived explicitly, with all the integrals calculated analytically (Woelke and Voyiadjis, Shell element based on the refined theory for thick spherical shells. 2006, submitted). In addition, a non-layered model is adopted in which integration through the thickness is not necessary. Consequently, the elasto-plastic-damage stiffness matrix is also given explicitly and numerical integration is not performed. This makes this model consistent mathematically, accurate for a variety of applications and very inexpensive from the point of view of computer power and time. Affiliations:
Woelke P. | - | other affiliation | Voyiadjis G.Z. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Glema A.♦, Łodygowski T.♦, Perzyna P., Localization of plastic deformations as a result of wave interaction,
Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, ISSN: 1232-308X, Vol.10, No.1, pp.81-91, 2003Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the investigation of the interaction and reflection of elastic-viscoplastic waves which can lead to localization phenomena in solids. The rate type constitutive structure for an elastic-viscoplastic material with thermomechanical coupling is used. An adiabatic inelastic flow process is considered. Discussion of some features of rate dependent plastic medium is presented. This medium has dissipative and dispersive properties. In the evolution problem considered in such dissipative and dispersive medium the stress and deformation due to wave reflections and interactions are not uniformly distributed, and this kind of heterogeneity can lead to strain localization in the absence of geometrical or material imperfections. Numerical examples are presented for a 2D specimens subjected to tension, with the controlled displacements imposed at one side with different velocities. The initial-boundary conditions which are considered reflect the asymmetric (single side) tension of the specimen with the opposite side fixed, which leads to non-symmetric deformation. The influence of the constitutive parameter (relaxation time of mechanical perturbances) is also studied in the examples. The attention is focused on the investigation of the interactions and reflections of waves and on the location of localization of plastic deformations. Affiliations:
Glema A. | - | other affiliation | Łodygowski T. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Dornowski W.♦, Perzyna P., Numerical analysis of macrocrack propagation along a bimaterial interface under dynamic loading processes,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0020-7683, DOI: 10.1016/S0020-7683(02)00405-5, Vol.39, No.19, pp.4949-4977, 2002Abstract: Advances in computing as well as measurement instrumentation have recently allowed for the investigation of a wider spectrum of physical phenomena in dynamic failure than previously possible. With increasing demand for specialized lightweight, high strength structures, failure of inhomogeneous solids has been receiving increased attention. Such inhomogeneous solids include structural composites such as bonded and sandwich structures, layered and composite materials as well as functionally graded solids. Many of such solids are composed of brittle constituents possessing substantial mismatch in wave speeds, and are bonded together with weak interfaces, which may serve as sites for catastrophic failure (Rosakis and Ravichandran (2000)).
In the present study numerical analysis of macrocrack propagation along a bimaterial interface under dynamic loading processes is presented. A general constitutive model of elasto-viscoplastic damaged polycrystalline solids is developed within the thermodynamic framework of the rate type covariance structure with finite set of the internal state variables. A set of the internal state variables is assumed and interpreted such that the theory developed takes account of the effects as follows: (i) plastic non-normality; (ii) softening generated by microdamage mechanisms; (iii) thermomechanical coupling (thermal plastic softening and thermal expansion); (iv) rate sensitivity.
To describe suitably the time and temperature dependent effects observed experimentally during dynamic loading processes the kinetics of microdamage has been modified. The relaxation time is used as a regularization parameter. By assuming that the relaxation time tends to zero, the rate independent elastic–plastic response can be obtained. The identification procedure is developed basing on the experimental observations. The finite difference method for regularized elasto-viscoplastic model is used. The edge-cracked bimaterial specimen is considered. In the initial configuration, the height of the specimen is equal to 30 cm, width is 12.5 cm and the length of the initial crack is equal to 2.5 cm. The length of the boundary over which impact is applied is equal to 5 cm, the rise time is fixed at 0.1 μs and the impact velocity is varied. The impact area is localized symmetrically or asymmetrically to the shorter axis of the specimen (symmetry axis of the cohesive band). Basing on the available data of recent experimental observation Rosakis et al. (1999) that have been carried out for relatively thin specimens both the plane stress and plane strain conditions are considered. The material of the specimen is AISI 4340 steel, while PMMA is the cohesive band, both modelled by thermo-elasto-viscoplastic constitutive equations with effects of isotropic hardening and softening generated by microdamage mechanisms and thermomechanical coupling. Fracture criterion based on the evolution of microdamage is assumed. Both, isothermal and adiabatic processes are considered.
Particular attention is focused on the investigation of the interactions and reflections of stress waves and the influence of these waves on the propagation of macrocrack within the interface band. The propagation of the macroscopic crack within the material of the interface band for both symmetrical and asymmetrical impact cases has been investigated. It has been found that macrocrack-tip speeds vary from the shear wave speed to the dilatational wave speed of the material and is higher than the Rayleigh surface wave speed. This result is in accord with the experimental observations performed by Rosakis et al. (1999). Keywords: Propagation of macrocrack, Bimaterial interface, Thermo-elasto-viscoplastic material, Adiabatic dynamic processes, Localized fracture Affiliations:
Dornowski W. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Dornowski W.♦, Perzyna P., Localized fracture phenomena in thermo-visco-plastic flow processes under cyclic dynamic loadings,
ACTA MECHANICA, ISSN: 0001-5970, DOI: 10.1007/BF01176245, Vol.155, No.3-4, pp.233-255, 2002Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the investigation of localized fatigue fracture phenomena in thermo-viscoplastic flow processes under cyclic dynamic loadings. Recent experimental observations for cycle fatigue damage mechanics at high temperature and dynamic loadings of metals suggest that the intrinsic microdamage process does very much depend on the strain rate and the wave shape effects and is mostly developed in the regions where the plastic deformation is localized. The microdamage kinetics interacts with thermal and load changes to make failure of solids a highly rate, temperature and history dependent, nonlinear process.
A general constitutive model of elasto-viscoplastic damaged polycrystalline solids developed within the thermodynamic framework of the rate type covariance structure with a finite set of the internal state variables is used (cf. Dornowski and Perzyna [16], [17], [18]). A set of the internal state variables is assumed and interpreted such that the theory developed takes account of the effects as follows: (i) plastic nonnormality; (ii) plastic strain induced anisotropy (kinematic hardening); (iii) softening generated by microdamage mechanisms (nucleation, growth and coalescence of microcracks); (iv) thermomechanical coupling (thermal plastic softening and thermal expansion); (v) rate sensitivity; (vi) plastic spin.
To describe suitably the time and temperature dependent effects observed experimentally and the accumulation of the plastic deformation and damage during a dynamic cyclic loading process the kinetics of microdamage and the kinematic hardening law have been modified. The relaxation time is used as a regularization parameter. By assuming that the relaxation time tends to zero, the rate independent elasticplastic response can be obtained. The viscoplastic regularization procedure assures the stable integration algorithm by using the finite difference method. Particular attention is focussed on the well-posedness of the evolution problem (the initial-boundary value problem) as well as on its numerical solutions. The Lax-Richtmyer equivalence theorem is formulated, and conditions under which this theory is valid are examined. Utilizing the finite difference method for a regularized elasto-viscoplastic model, the numerical investigation of the three-dimensional dynamic adiabatic deformation in a particular body under cyclic loading condition is presented.
Particular examples have been considered, namely a dynamic adiabatic cyclic loading process for a thin plate with sharp notch. To the upper edge of the plate is applied a cyclic constraint realized by rigid rotation of the edge of the plate while the lower edge is supported rigidly. A small localized region, distributed asymmetrically near the tip of the notch, which undergoes significant deformation and temperature rise, has been determined. Its evolution until occurrence of fatigue fracture has been simulated.
The propagation of the macroscopic fatigue damage crack within the material of the plate is investigated. It has been found that the length of the macroscopic fatigue damage crack distinctly depends on the wave shape of the assumed loading cycle. Affiliations:
Dornowski W. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Dornowski W.♦, Perzyna P., Analysis of various effects in dynamic cyclic fatigue damage,
ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS, ISSN: 0939-1533, DOI: 10.1007/s00419-002-0217-x, Vol.72, No.6, pp.418-438, 2002Abstract: The objective of the paper is the analysis of various effects in fatigue damage in plastic flow of solids under dynamic cyclic loading. Attention is focused on the investigation of the following effects: (i) influence of the shape of the loading pulse; (ii) softening generated by thermomechanical coupling; (iii) softening generated by microdamage; (iv) plastic strain-induced anisotropy caused by kinematic hardening; (v) plastic spin; (vi) strain-rate sensitivity; (vii) covariant terms.
Experimental motivations are given. Based on observations on cyclic fatigue damage in metals at high temperatures we can suggest that intrinsic microdamage processes very much depend on the strain-rate effects as well as on the pulse-shape effects. A microdamage process is treated as a sequence of nucleation, growth and coalescence of microcracks. Microdamage kinetics interacts with thermal and load changes to make the failure of a solid a highly rate- temperature- and history-dependent, nonlinear process.
A general constitutive model of an elasto-viscoplastic damaged polycrystalline solid developed within the thermodynamic framework of the rate-type covariance structure with a finite set of internal state variables is assumed, cf. [18]. The internal state variables are postulated and interpreted such that the theory developed here takes account of (i) plastic nonnormality; (ii) plastic strain-induced anisotropy; (iii) microdamage softening; (iv) thermal-plastic softening and thermal expansion; (v) rate sensitivity; (vi) plastic spin. Kinetics of the microdamage and the kinematic hardening law are modified in order to describe suitably the time- and temperature-dependent effects. Relaxation time is used as a regularization parameter. Rate-independent elastic-plastic response is obtained when the relaxation time tends to zero.
Viscoplastic regularization procedure assures a stable integration algorithm by using the finite difference method. Attention is focused on the well-posedness of the evolution problem (the initial-boundary value problem) as well as on its numerical solutions. The Lax-Richtmyer equivalence theorem is used, and conditions under which this theory is valid are examined. The identification procedure is developed. Utilizing the finite difference method for a regularized elasto-viscoplastic model, a numerical investigation of a dynamic adiabatic deformation under cyclic loading condition is presented. Particular examples are: dynamic, adiabatic and isothermal cyclic loading processes for a thin steel plate with a rectangular hole located in the center. Two regions undergoing significant deformations and a temperature rise are determined. Their evolution until the occurrence of a final fracture simulated together with the accumulation of damage and equivalent plastic deformation at each cycle. It is found that this accumulation depends on the pulse shape of the assumed loading cycle. The nucleation of the macrocrack is examined and the propagation of the macrocrack during the cyclic dynamic process is described. The influence of the previously mentioned effects on cycle fatigue damage is investigated. Keywords: Cyclic fatigue, Damage, Dynamic loading, Adiabatic process, Thermal coupling, Elasto-viscoplasticity, Microdamage Affiliations:
Dornowski W. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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Glema A.♦, Łodygowski T.♦, Perzyna P., Interaction of deformation waves and localization phenomena in inelastic solids,
COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0045-7825, DOI: 10.1016/S0045-7825(99)00215-7, Vol.183, No.1-2, pp.123-140, 2000Abstract: The main objective of this paper is the investigation of the interaction and reflection of elastic–viscoplastic waves which can lead to localization phenomena in solids. The rate type constitutive structure for an elastic–viscoplastic material with thermomechanical coupling is developed. An adiabatic inelastic flow process is considered. The Cauchy problem is investigated and the conditions for well-posedness are examined. Discussion of fundamental features of rate-dependent plastic medium is presented. This medium has dissipative and dispersive properties. Mathematical analysis of the evolution problem (the dynamical initial-boundary value problem) is presented. The dispersion property implies that in the viscoplastic medium any initial disturbance can break up into a system of group of oscillations or wavelets. On the other hand, the dissipation property causes the amplitude of a harmonic wavetrain to decay with time. In the evolution problem considered in such dissipative and dispersive medium, the stress and deformation due to wave reflections and interactions are not uniformly distributed, and this kind of heterogeneity can lead to strain localization in the absence of geometrical or material imperfections.
Since the rate-independent plastic response is obtained as the limit case, when the relaxation time Tm tends to zero, the theory of viscoplasticity offers the regularization procedure for the numerical solution of the dynamical initial-boundary value problems with localization of plastic deformation.
Numerical examples are presented for a steel bar axisymmetric specimen subjected to tension, with the controlled displacements imposed at one or two opposite sides with different velocities. Two cases of the initial-boundary conditions are considered; (A) symmetric (double side) tension of the specimen which results in symmetric pattern of deformations; (B) asymmetric (single side) tension of the specimen with the opposite side fixed, which leads to non-symmetric deformation.
For both cases of boundary conditions a set of examples is computed with different initial velocities changing between 0.5 and 20 m/s. The final states are defined by prescribed value of the total elongation of a specimen. In the numerical examples the attention is focused on the investigation of the interactions and reflections of waves and on the location of localization of plastic deformation. The distribution of plastic equivalent strain, temperature and vector plots of velocities represents the results. The computations are performed using the industrial finite element program ABAQUS (explicit method). Affiliations:
Glema A. | - | other affiliation | Łodygowski T. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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16. |
Dornowski W.♦, Perzyna P., Localization phenomena in thermo-viscoplastic flow processes under cyclic dynamic loadings,
Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, ISSN: 1232-308X, Vol.7, No.1, pp.117-160, 2000Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the investigation of localization phenomena in thermo-viscoplastic flow processes under cyclic dynamic loadings. Recent experimental observations for cycle fatigue damage mechanics at high temperature and dynamic loadings of metals suggest that the intrinsic microdamage process does very much dependent on the strain rate and the wave shape effects and is mostly developed in the regions where the plastic deformation is localized. The microdamage kinetics interacts with thermal and load changes to make failure of solids a highly rate, temperature and history dependent, nonlinear process. A general constitutive model of elasto-viscoplastic damaged polycrystalline solids is developed within the thermodynamic framework of the rate type covariance structure with finite set of the internal state variables. A set of the internal state variables is assumed and interpreted such that the theory developed takes account of the effects as follows: (i) plastic non-normality; (ii) plastic strain induced anisotropy (kinematic hardening); (iii) softening generated by microdamage mechanisms (nucleation, growth and coalescence of microcracks); (iv) thermomechanical coupling (thermal plastic softening and thermal expansion); (v) rate sensitivity; (vi) plastic spin. To describe suitably the time and temperature dependent effects observed experimentally and the accumulation of the plastic deformation and damage during dynamic cyclic loading process the kinetics of microdamage and the kinematic hardening law have been modified. The relaxation time is used as a regularization parameter. By assuming that the relaxation time tends to zero, the rate independent elastic-plastic response can be obtained. The viscoplastic regularization procedure assures the stable integration algorithm by using the finite difference method. Particular attention is focused on the well-posedness of the evolution problem (the initial-boundary value problem) as well as on its numerical solutions. The Lax-Richtmyer equivalence theorem is formulated and conditions under which this theory is valid are examined. Utilizing the finite difference method for regularized elasto-viscoplastic model, the numerical investigation of the three-dimensional dynamic adiabatic deformation in a particular body under cyclic loading condition is presented. Particular examples have been considered, namely dynamic, adiabatic and isothermal, cyclic loading processes for a thin steel plate with small rectangular hole located in the centre. To the upper edge of the plate the normal and parallel displacements are applied while the lower edge is supported rigidly. Both these displacements change in time cyclically. Small two asymmetric regions which undergo significant deformations and temperature rise have been determined. Their evolution until occurrence of final fracture has been simulated. The accumulation of damage and equivalent plastic deformation on each considered cycle has been obtained. It has been found that this accumulation distinctly depends on the wave shape of the assumed loading cycle. Affiliations:
Dornowski W. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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17. |
Dornowski W.♦, Perzyna P., Constitutive modeling of inelastic solids for plastic flow processes under cyclic dynamic loadings,
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, ISSN: 0094-4289, DOI: 10.1115/1.2812368, Vol.121, No.2, pp.210-220, 1999Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the description of the behavior and fatigue damage of inelastic solids in plastic flow processes under dynamic cyclic loadings. Experimental motivations and physical foundations are given. Recent experimental observations for cycle fatigue damage mechanics at high temperature of metals suggest that the intrinsic microdamage process does very much depend on the strain rate effects as well as on the wave shape effects. The microdamage process has been treated as a sequence of nucleation, growth and coalescence of microcracks. The microdamage kinetics interacts with thermal and load changes to make failure of solids a highly rate, temperature and history dependent, nonlinear process. A general constitutive model of elasto-viscoplastic damaged polycrystalline solids is developed within the thermodynamic framework of the rate type covariance structure with finite set of the internal state variables. A set of the internal state variables is assumed and interpreted such that the theory developed takes account of the effects as follows: (i) plastic non-normality; (ii) plastic strain induced anisotropy (kinematic hardening); (iii) softening generated by microdamage mechanisms; (iv) thermomechanical coupling (thermal plastic softening and thermal expansion); (v) rate sensitivity. To describe suitably the time and temperature dependent effects observed experimentally and the accumulation of the plastic deformation and damage during dynamic cyclic loading process the kinetics of microdamage and the kinematic hardening law have been modified. The relaxation time is used as a regularization parameter. By assuming that the relaxation time tends to zero, the rate independent elastic-plastic response can be obtained. The viscoplastic regularization procedure assures the stable integration algorithm by using the finite difference method. Particular attention is focused on the well-posedness of the evolution problem (the initial-boundary value problem) as well as on its numerical solutions. The Lax-Richtmyer equivalence theorem is formulated and conditions under which this theory is valid are examined. Utilizing the finite difference method for regularized elasto-viscoplastic model, the numerical investigation of the three-dimensional dynamic adiabatic deformation in a particular body under cyclic loading condition is presented. Particular examples have been considered, namely, a dynamic, adiabatic and isothermal, cyclic loading processes for a thin steel plate with small rectangular hole located in the centre. Small two regions which undergo significant deformations and temperature rise have been determined. Their evolution until occurrence of final fracture has been simulated. The accumulation of damage and equivalent plastic deformation on each considered cycle has been obtained. It has been found that this accumulation distinctly depends on the wave shape of the assumed loading cycle. Affiliations:
Dornowski W. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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18. |
Perzyna P., Korbel K.♦, Analysis of the influence of various effects on criteria for adiabatic shear band localization in single crystals,
ACTA MECHANICA, ISSN: 0001-5970, DOI: 10.1007/BF01379649, Vol.129, No.1-2, pp.31-62, 1998Abstract: The paper aims at the investigation of the influence of various effects on criteria for shear band localization in inelastic single crystals. This investigation is based on an analysis of acceleration waves and takes advantage of a notion of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor. Particular attention is focussed on the analysis of the effects as follows: (i) spatial covariance and plastic spin; (ii) thermomechanical coupling; (iii) non-Schmid; (iv) evolution of substructure; (v) nondissipative thermal term; (vi) cooperative phenomena (synergetic). The theory of thermoviscoplasticity of inelastic single crystals is presented within a framework of the rate type covariance constitutive structure with a finite set of the internal state variables. By assuming that the mechanical relaxation time is equal to zero the thermo-elasto-plastic (rate independent) response of single crystals is accomplished. An adiabatic inelastic flow process of the single crystal is formulated and investigated. Symmetric double slip and single slip processes are considered. The formulation of macroscopic adiabatic shear bands is investigated. The criteria for adiabatic shear band localization for a single slip process are presented in exact analytical form. For a symmetric double slip process these criteria are estimated numerically. The discussion of the influence of various effects is presented, and the comparison of the results obtained with available experimental observations is given. Affiliations:
Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN | Korbel K. | - | other affiliation |
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19. |
Duszek-Perzyna M.K., Perzyna P., Analysis of anisotropy and plastic spin effects on localization phenomena,
ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS, ISSN: 0939-1533, DOI: 10.1007/s004190050171, Vol.68, No.5, pp.352-374, 1998Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the investigation of the influence of the anisotrophy and plastic spin effects on criteria for adiabatic shear band localization of plastic deformation. A theory of thermoplasticity is formulated within a framework of the rate-type covariance material structure with a finite set of internal state variables. The theory takes into consideration such effects as plastic non-normality, plastic-induced anisotropy (kinematic hardening), micro-damage mechanism, thermomechanical coupling and plastic spin.
The next objective of the paper is to focus attention on cooperative phenomena in presence of the plastic spin, and the discussion on the influence of synergetic effects on localization criteria. A particular constitutive law for the plastic spin is assumed. The necessary condition for a localized plastic deformation region to be formed is obtained. This condition is accomplished by the assumption that some eigenvalues of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor vanish. A procedure has been developed which allows us to discuss two separate groups of effects on the localization phenomenon along a shear band. Plastic spin, spatial covariance and kinematic hardening effects are investigated at an isothermal process in an undamaged solid. In the second case, an adiabatic process in a damaged solid is discussed when the spatial covariance terms and the plastic spin are neglected. Here the thermomechanical coupling, micro-damage mechanism and kinematic hardening effects are examined. For both cases, the criteria for adiabatic shear band localization are obtained in an exact analytical form.
Particular attention is focused on the analysis of the following effects: (i) plastic non-normality; (ii) plastic spin; (iii) covariant terms; (iv) plastic strain-induced anisotropy; (v) micro-damage mechanism; (vi) thermomechanical couplings. Cooperative phenomena are considered, and synergetic effects are investigated.
A discussion of the influence of the plastic spin, kinematic hardening and covariant terms on the shear band localization conditions is presented. A numerical estimation of the effects discussed is given. Keywords: plastic-induced anisotropy, plastic spin, localization, micro-damage, stress triaxiality Affiliations:
Duszek-Perzyna M.K. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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20. |
Perzyna P., Dynamic localized fracture in inelastic solids,
Studies in Applied Mechanics, ISSN: 0922-5382, DOI: 10.1016/S0922-5382(98)80042-1, Vol.46, pp.183-202, 1998Abstract: The paper aims at the investigation of ductile localized fracture phenomena in dynamic adiabatic processes in inelastic solids. Particular attention is focused on the dependence of fracture phenomenon upon the evolution of constitutive properties of the material. The micro-damage mechanism is treated as a sequence of nucleation, growth and coalescence of microcracks. Affiliations:
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21. |
Łodygowski T.♦, Perzyna P., Localized fracture in inelastic polycrystalline solids under dynamic loading processes,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAMAGE MECHANICS, ISSN: 1056-7895, DOI: 10.1177/105678959700600402, Vol.6, No.4, pp.364-407, 1997Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the investigation of adiabatic shear band localized fracture phenomenon in inelastic solids during dynamic loading processes. This kind of fracture can occur as a result of an adiabatic shear band localization generally attributed to a plastic instability implied by micro-damage and thermal softening during dynamic plastic flow processes.
The theory of thermoviscoplasticity is developed within a framework of the rate type covariance material structure with a finite set of internal state variables. The theory takes into consideration the effects of micro-damage mechanism and thermomechanical coupling. The micro-damage mechanism has been treated as a sequence of nucleation, growth, and coalesence of microcracks. The micro-damage kinetics interacts with thermal and load changes to make failure of solids a highly rate, temperature, and history dependent, nonlinear process. The dynamic failure criterion within localized shear band region is proposed. The relaxation time is used as a regularization parameter. By assuming that the relaxation time tends to zero, the rate independent micro-damage mechanism is considered.
Rate dependency (viscosity) allows the spatial differential operator in the governing equations to retain its ellipticity, and the initial-value problem is well posed. The viscoplastic regularization procedure assures the stable integration algorithm by using the finite element method. Particular attention is focused on the well-posedness of the evolution problem (the initial-boundary value problem), as well as on its numerical solutions. Convergence, consistency, and stability of the discretised problem are discussed. The Lax equivalence theorem is formulated and conditions under which this theorem is valid are examined.
Utilizing the finite element method and ABAQUS system for regularized elastoviscoplastic model, the numerical investigation of the three-dimensional dynamic adiabatic deformation in a particular body at nominal strain rates ranging from 10-1-104 s-1 is presented. Three particular examples have been considered; namely, a dynamic adiabatic process for a thin-walled steel tube and dynamic adiabatic and quasi-static processes for a thin steel plate. In each case, a thin shear band region of finite width which undergoes significant deformations and temperature rise has been determined. Its evolution until occurrence of final fracture has been simulated. Numerical results are compared with available experimental observation data. Affiliations:
Łodygowski T. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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22. |
Łodygowski T.♦, Perzyna P., Numerical modelling of localized fracture of inelastic solids in dynamic loading processes,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0029-5981, DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0207(19971130)40:22<4137::AID-NME260>3.0., Vol.40, pp.4137-4158, 1997Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the investigation of adiabatic shear band localized fracture phenomenon in inelastic solids during dynamic loading processes. This kind of fracture can occur as a result of an adiabatic shear band localization generally attributed to a plastic instability implied by microdamage and thermal softening during dynamic plastic flow processes.
By applying ideas of synergetics it can be shown that as a result of instability hierarchies a system is self-organized into a new shear band pattern system. This leads to the conclusion that inelastic solid body considered during the dynamics process becomes a two-phase material system. Particular attention is focussed on attempt to construct a physically and experimentally justified localized fracture theory that relates the kinetics of material failure on the microstructural level to continuum mechanics. The description of the microstructural damage process is based on dynamic experiments with carefully controlled load amplitudes and duration. The microdamage process has been treated as a sequence of nucleation, growth and coalescence of microcracks. The microdamage kinetics interacts with thermal and load changes to make failure of solids a highly rate, temperature and history-dependent, non-linear process.
The theory of thermoviscoplasticity is developed within the framework of the rate-type covariance material structure with a finite set of internal state variables. The theory takes into consideration the effects of microdamage mechanism and thermomechanical coupling. The dynamic failure criterion within localized shear band region is proposed. The relaxation time is used as a regularization parameter. Rate dependency (viscosity) allows the spatial differential operator in the governing equations to retain its ellipticity, and the initial-value problem is well-posed. The viscoplastic regularization procedure assures the unconditionally stable integration algorithm by using the finite element method. Particular attention is focused on the well-posedness of the evolution problem (the initial–boundary value problem) as well as on its numerical solutions. Convergence, consistency and stability of the discretized problem are discussed. The Lax equivalence theorem is formulated and conditions under which this theorem is valid are examined.
Utilizing the finite element method and ABAQUS system for regularized elasto–viscoplastic model the numerical investigation of the three-dimensional dynamic adiabatic deformation in a particular body at nominal strain rates ranging over 103−104 s−1 is presented. A thin shear band region of finite width which undergoes significant deformation and temperature rise has been determined. Its evolution until occurrence of final fracture has been simulated. Numerical results are compared with available experimental observation data. Keywords: viscoplasticity, localization, regularization, micro-damage, localized fracture Affiliations:
Łodygowski T. | - | other affiliation | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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23. |
Perzyna P., Duszek-Perzyna M.K., Korbel K.♦, Adiabatic shear band localization in single crystals under dynamic loading processes,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.49, pp.1069-1090, 1997 | |
24. |
Perzyna P., Korbel K.♦, Analysis of the influence of the substructure of a crystal on shear band localization phenomena of plastic deformation,
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS, ISSN: 0167-6636, DOI: 10.1016/S0167-6636(96)00032-4, Vol.24, No.2, pp.141-158, 1996Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is the discussion of the influence of the evolution of the substructure of single crystal on the shear band localization phenomena. A constitutive model of an inelastic crystal within the thermodynamic framework of the rate type covariance constitutive structure with internal state variables is developed. Thermomechanical couplings are considered and internal heating generated by the rate of internal dissipation is described. It has been proved that the description of a rate independent adiabatic single slip process in elasto-plastic single crystal is reduced to one fundamental evolution equation for the Kirchhoff stress tensor. Using the analysis of acceleration waves the necessary condition for a localized plastic deformation region to be formed is obtained. The criteria for adiabatic shear band localization are presented in an exact analytical form. Numerical estimations for the critical hardening modulus rate and the direction of the macroscopic shear band are given. The influence of various effects on shear band localization criteria is investigated. It has been found that the influence of the dislocation substructure is combined with the thermomechanical coupling and leads to distinct synergetic effect. The possibility of deviation from the Schmid rule of the critical resolved shear stress is also investigated. Comparison of the numerical results with available experimental data is presented. Affiliations:
Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN | Korbel K. | - | other affiliation |
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25. |
Duszek-Perzyna M.K., Perzyna P., Adiabatic shear band localization of inelastic single crystals in symmetric double-slip process,
ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS, ISSN: 0939-1533, DOI: 10.1007/BF00803672, Vol.66, No.6, pp.369-384, 1996Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is the development of a viscoplastic regularization procedure valid for an adiabatic dynamic process for multi-slips of single crystals. The next objective is to focus attention on the investigation of instability criteria, and particularly on shear band localization conditions.
To achieve this aim, an analysis of acceleration waves is given, and advantage is taken of the notion of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor. If zero is an eigenvalue of the acoustic tensor, then the associated discontinuity does not propagate, and one speaks of a stationary discontinuity. This situation is referred to as the ‘strain localization condition’, and corresponds to a loss of hyperbolicity of the dynamical equations. It has been proved that for an, adiabatic process of rate-dependent (elastic-viscoplastic) crystal, the wave speed of discontinuity surface always remains real and different from zero. It means that for this case the initial-value problem is well-posed. However, for an adiabatic process of rate-independent(elastic-plastic) crystal, the wave speed of discontinuity surface can be equal zero. Then the necessary condition for a localized plastic deformation along the shear band to be formed is as follows: the determinant of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor is equal to zero. This condition for localization is equivalent to that obtained by using the standard bifurcation method. Based on this idea, the conditions for adiabatic shear band localization of plastic deformation have been investigated for single crystals. Particular attention has been focused on the discussion of the influence of thermal expansion, thermal plastic, softening and spatial covariance effects on shear band localization criteria for a planar model of an f.c.c. crystal undergoing symmetric primary-conjugate double slip. The results obtained have been compared with available experimental observations.
Finally, it is noteworthy that the viscoplasticity regularization procedure can be used in the developing of an unconditionally stable numerical integration algorithm for simulation of adiabatic inelastic flow processes in ductile single crystals, cf. [21]. Keywords: shear band localization, viscoplasticity, adiabatic process, crystal slip Affiliations:
Duszek-Perzyna M.K. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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26. |
Perzyna P., Micromechanics of localized fracture in inelastic solids under dynamic loading processes,
ACTA MECHANICA, ISSN: 0001-5970, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-1756-9_17, Vol.46, pp.131-140, 1994Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the development of the viscoplastic regularization procedure valid for a broad class of thermodynamic plastic flow processes in damaged solids. The additional aim is to investigate instability phenomena and adiabatic shear band localization criteria when spatial covariance, thermomechanical coupling, strain induced anisostropy and micro-damage softening effects are taken into consideration. This investigation is based on an analysis of acceleration waves and takes advantage of a notion of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor. In the first part of the paper the formulation of an inelastic flow process is given and particular attention is focussed on the thermomechanical coupling effects. The thermodynamic theory of elastic-viscoplastic damaged solids is presented within a framework of the rate type covariance material structure with a finite set of the internal state variables. A notion of covariance is understood in the sense of invariance under an arbitrary spatial diffeomorphism. Rate sensitivity effect is introduced by the assumption of the viscoplastic overstress conception. A notion of a relaxation time has been used to control the description of mechanical as well as thermal disturbances. By the assumption that the mechanical relaxation time is equal to zero the thermo-elastic-plastic (rate independent) response of the damaged material is accomplished. In the second part of the paper the existence of a solution to the initial-boundary value problem is examined and its stability property is investigated based on the application of nonlinear semi-group methods and an analysis of continuity of evolution operators. For an adiabatic process the investigation of acceleration waves is given. The determination of eigenvalues of the appropriate acoustic tensor is presented. This helps to assess the well-posedness of the initial-value problems which describe the thermodynamic plastic flow processes. Differences for two constitutive assumptions, namely for rate dependent and rate independent responses, are examined. In the case of an adiabatic process and elastic-viscoplastic response of a material the conditions for the existence, uniqueness and well-posedness of the initial value problem have been investigated.
Criteria for adiabatic shear band localization of plastic deformation are obtained by assuming that some eigenvalue of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor for rate independent response is equal to zero. Several particular cases of the constitutive model have been considered. Affiliations:
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27. |
Perzyna P., Instability phenomena and adiabatic shear band localization in thermoplastic flow processes,
ACTA MECHANICA, ISSN: 0001-5970, DOI: 10.1007/BF01213561, Vol.106, No.3-4, pp.173-205, 1994Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the development of the viscoplastic regularization procedure valid for a broad class of thermodynamic plastic flow processes in damaged solids. The additional aim is to investigate instability phenomena and adiabatic shear band localization criteria when spatial covariance, thermomechanical coupling, strain induced anisostropy and micro-damage softening effects are taken into consideration. This investigation is based on an analysis of acceleration waves and takes advantage of a notion of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor. In the first part of the paper the formulation of an inelastic flow process is given and particular attention is focussed on the thermomechanical coupling effects. The thermodynamic theory of elastic-viscoplastic damaged solids is presented within a framework of the rate type covariance material structure with a finite set of the internal state variables. A notion of covariance is understood in the sense of invariance under an arbitrary spatial diffeomorphism. Rate sensitivity effect is introduced by the assumption of the viscoplastic overstress conception. A notion of a relaxation time has been used to control the description of mechanical as well as thermal disturbances. By the assumption that the mechanical relaxation time is equal to zero the thermo-elastic-plastic (rate independent) response of the damaged material is accomplished. In the second part of the paper the existence of a solution to the initial-boundary value problem is examined and its stability property is investigated based on the application of nonlinear semi-group methods and an analysis of continuity of evolution operators. For an adiabatic process the investigation of acceleration waves is given. The determination of eigenvalues of the appropriate acoustic tensor is presented. This helps to assess the well-posedness of the initial-value problems which describe the thermodynamic plastic flow processes. Differences for two constitutive assumptions, namely for rate dependent and rate independent responses, are examined. In the case of an adiabatic process and elastic-viscoplastic response of a material the conditions for the existence, uniqueness and well-posedness of the initial value problem have been investigated.
Criteria for adiabatic shear band localization of plastic deformation are obtained by assuming that some eigenvalue of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor for rate independent response is equal to zero. Several particular cases of the constitutive model have been considered. Affiliations:
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28. |
Duszek-Perzyna M.K., Perzyna P., Adiabatic shear band localization in elastic-plastic single crystals,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0020-7683, DOI: 10.1016/0020-7683(93)90132-Q, Vol.30, No.1, pp.61-89, 1993Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the investigation of shear band localization criteria for finite elastic-plastic deformations of a single crystal subjected to an adiabatic process. The next objective is to focus attention on the temperature dependent plastic behaviour of the single crystal considered. A constitutive model is developed within the thermodynamic framework of the rate type covariance constitutive structure i.e. it is invariant with respect to diffeomorphism. To achieve this aim a multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient is adopted and the Lie derivative is used to define all objective rates for introduced vectors and tensors. Thermomechanical couplings are investigated and a method is developed which allows us to use the standard bifurcation procedure in the examination of the adiabatic shear band localization. The general evolution equation for the Kirchhoff stress tensor is obtained. The fundamental matrix in this evolution equation describes thermomechanical couplings as well as local lattice deformation and rotation. For the particular elastic properties of the single crystal and for some simplified case of the coupling effects the criteria for adiabatic shear band localization are obtained in their exact analytical form. The influence of two important thermal effects, namely thermal expansion and thermal plastic softening on the criteria of localization is investigated. The similar influence of spatial covariance effects (which arise from the difference between the Lie derivative and the material rate of the Kirchhoff stress tensor) is also examined.
It has been shown that by incorporating the thermomechanical effects and the spatial covariance effects into a constitutive law of the elastic-plastic single crystal, the plastic hardening modulus hcrit at the inception of localization is in fact small but positive.
It has also been proved that this thermomechanical theory of single crystals can describe the misalignment of the shear bands from the active slip systems in the crystal's matrix. The computed critical value of the strain-hardening rate hcrit, as well as the difference between the direction of the macroscopic shear band and the primary slip systems of the single crystal appeared to be in accord with recent experimental observations [cf. Chang and Asaro (1981, Acta Metall.29, 241–257) for Al-Cu single crystals and Spitzig (1981, Acta Metall.29, 1359–1377) for Fe-Ti-Mn single crystals]. Affiliations:
Duszek-Perzyna M.K. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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29. |
Perzyna P., Drabik A., Wave propagation in inelastic material - material derivative versus Lie derivative formulation,
30. |
Duszek M.K., Perzyna P., Stein E.♦, Adiabatic shear band localization in elastic-plastic damaged solids,
International Journal of Plasticity, ISSN: 0749-6419, DOI: 10.1016/0749-6419(92)90055-H, Vol.8, No.4, pp.361-384, 1992Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the investigation of shear band localization conditions for finite elastic-plastic rate independent deformations of a damaged solid body subjected to an adiabatic process. For the kind of process considered, the thermal effects may play a dominating role. The next objective of the paper is to focus attention on temperature-dependent plastic behaviour of the body considered. Thermomechanical couplings are investigated, and a method is developed that allows application of the standard bifurcation procedure in examination of the shear band localization criteria when influence of thermomechanical couplings and thermal softening effects, together with hardening and micro-damage effects, are taken into consideration. Particular attention is focused on the coupling phenomena generated by the heat resulting from internal dissipation. A set of the coupled evolution equations for the Kirchhoff stress tensor and for temperature is considered. The assumption that the thermodynamic process is adiabatic permits elimination of the rate of temperature and permits us to obtain the general evolution equation for the Kirchhoff stress tensor. The fundamental matrix in this evolution equation describes thermomechanical couplings. For the particular elastic properties of the material and for some simplified cases of the coupling effects the criteria for shear band localization have been obtained in exact analytical form. Affiliations:
Duszek M.K. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN | Stein E. | - | Universität Hannover (DE) |
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31. |
Duszek M.K., Perzyna P., The localization of plastic deformation in thermoplastic solids,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0020-7683, DOI: 10.1016/0020-7683(91)90040-M, Vol.27, No.11, pp.1419-1443, 1991Abstract: The main objective of this paper is the investigation of the influence of thermomechanical couplings and thermal softening effects on adiabatic shear band localization criteria for finite rate-independent deformation of an elastic-plastic body. The constitutive equations for thermoelastic-plastic J2-flow theory are formulated within a framework of the rate type covariance structure with internal state variables. Two alternative descriptions are presented. Both constitutive structures formulated are invariant with respect to diffeomorphisms and are materially isomorphic. Particular attention is focused on the coupling phenomena generated by the internal heat resulting from internal dissipation. An identification procedure has been developed which permits the determination of the exact form of the evolution equation for the internal state variable vector. A set of coupled evolution equations for the Kirchhoff stress tensor and for temperature is investigated. The assumption that the thermodynamic process considered is adiabatic permits the elimination of the rate of temperature and gives the fundamental cvolution equation for the Kirchhoff stress tensor. This important result allows the use of the standard bifurcation method in the examination of the adiabatic shear band localization criteria. For the particular clastic properties of the material and for some simplified case of the coupling effects the criteria for adiabatic shear band localization are obtained in exact analytical form. Discussions of the influence of thermomechanical couplings, thermal expansion, thermal plastic softening effects and the covariance terms on the localization criteria are presented. Affiliations:
Duszek M.K. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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32. |
Perzyna P., Drabik A., Analysis of the fundamental equations describing thermoplastic flow process in solid body,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.43, pp.287-296, 1991 | |
33. |
Perzyna P., Nowak Z., Determination of material functions in a model of dynamic fragmentation processes,
34. |
Duszek-Perzyna M.K., Perzyna P., On combined isotropic and kinematic hardening effects in plastic flow processes,
International Journal of Plasticity, ISSN: 0749-6419, DOI: 10.1016/0749-6419(91)90009-N, Vol.7, No.5, pp.351-363, 1991Abstract: Attention is focused on the description of the combined isotropic and kinematic hardening effects in plastic solids. It has been found that making use of the simple geometrical relation permits us to determine the coefficient in the evolution equation describing the kinematic hardening of the Ziegler type in such a way that the evolution law is consistent with the loading criterion and satisfies the time independence requirement. On the other hand this method leaves room for the identification procedure for the material constants based on available experimental results. General constitutive and evolution equations for plastic solids are formulated. The plastic potential is assumed different than the yield criterion. Simplifications for the associated flow rule are also investigated. A new evolution law for the anisotropic hardening is discussed. This law represents the linear combination of the Prager and Ziegler kinematic hardening rules. Application of the theory developed to the description of the plastic behavior of damaged solids is given. A particular example is considered. The discussion and the interpretation of the isotropic and anisotropic hardening moduli are presented. Affiliations:
Duszek-Perzyna M.K. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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35. |
Perzyna P., Thermal effects in adiabatic shear band localization failure,
Mechanika Teoretyczna i Stosowana, ISSN: 0079-3701, Vol.28, pp.171-197, 1990 | |
36. |
Perzyna P., Drabik A., Description of micro-damage process by porosity parameter for nonlinear viscoplasticity,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.41, pp.895-908, 1989 | |
37. |
Perzyna P., Drabik A., Description of micro-damage process by porosity parameter for nonlinear viscoplasticity,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.41, No.6, pp.895-908, 1989Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the contribution implied by additional terms arising in the nonlinear viscoplastic response for the growth mechanism of microvoids in ductile solids. The dissipative mechanisms suggested by dynamics of dislocations are discussed. Experimental data are reviewed and compared. The evolution equation for the porosity parameter for the general nonlinear overstress viscoplastic theory is derived. Three different particular overstress functions are investigated, namely - logarithmic, power and linear. The approximation procedure for the three types of the evolution equation obtained shows that a description of the dynamic fracture phenomenon for dissipative solids can be the same in the case of logarithmic and linear functions. Affiliations:
Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN | Drabik A. | - | IPPT PAN |
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38. |
Perzyna P., Duszek M.K.♦, Influence of the kinematic hardening on the plastic flow localization in damaged solids,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.40, pp.595-609, 1988 | |
39. |
Duszek M.K., Perzyna P., Plasticity of damaged solids and shear band localization,
Revue de Physique Appliquée (Paris), ISSN: 0035-1687, DOI: 10.1051/rphysap:01988002304069400, Vol.23, No.4, pp.694, 1988Keywords: crystallographic shear, plasticity, work hardening, damaged solids, shear band localization, elastic plastic rate independent deformations, isotropic work hardening, kinematic hardening, porous solid Affiliations:
Duszek M.K. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
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40. |
Perzyna P., Temperature and rate dependent theory of plasticity of crystalline solids,
Revue de Physique Appliquée (Paris), ISSN: 0035-1687, DOI: 10.1051/rphysap:01988002304044500, Vol.23, No.4, pp.445-459, 1988Abstract: The paper shows a new approach for formulation of temperature and rate dependent models of plastic behaviour of crystalline solids. It has several particular objectives. The first is to give a very brief overview of recent developments of large strain constitutive laws for crystalline rate dependent plasticity.The second is to investigate how the main mechanisms on crystalline slip system can be incorporated in the general framework of continuum rate dependent large plastic deformation constitutive structure. The internal state variables have been precisely interpreted. Based on main mechanisms for crystalline slip system the evolution equations for the internal state variables introduced are proposed. The third objective is to illustrate how to include additional features such as work hardening, thermal softening etc. in constitutive structure proposed. Next objective is to focus attention on temperature dependence of plastic behaviour. The final goal is the discussion how these propositions can be extended to develop theories for large deformation,temperature and rate dependent, polycrystalline behaviour. Keywords: slip, plasticity, plastic behaviour, crystalline solids, strain constitutive laws, slip systems, plastic deformation, internal state variables, work hardening, thermal softening Affiliations:
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41. |
Duszek M.K., Perzyna P., Plasticity of damaged solids and shear band localization,
Ingenieur-Archiv, ISSN: 0020-1154, DOI: 10.1007/BF00534357, Vol.58, No.5, pp.380-392, 1988Abstract: The main objective of the paper is the investigation of shear band localization conditions for finite elastic-plastic rate independent deformations of damaged solids. The first part of the paper is devoted to the formulation of the constitutive relations for elastic-plastic solids when isotropic and kinematic hardening effects and the micro-damage process are taken into consideration. The isotropic work-hardening effect is incorporated in the theory directly by defining the work-hardening-softening material function while the kinematic hardening effect and the softening effect generated by the micro-damage process are described by means of the internal state variable method. The second part of the paper aims at the investigation of the localization of plastic deformations. Different effects on the localization phenomenon are investigated. Particular attention is focused on kinematic hardening and micro-damage effects. It has been found that the influence of these two cooperative phenomena on the onset of localization within shear bands has synergetic nature. The results obtained are in good agreement with recent experimental observations. Affiliations:
Duszek M.K. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
| |
42. |
Perzyna P., Internal state variable description of dynamic fracture of ductile solids,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0020-7683, DOI: 10.1016/0020-7683(86)90123-X, Vol.22, No.7, pp.797-818, 1986Abstract: The paper aims at the description of ductile fracture phenomenon in dynamic processes in inelastic solids by means of internal state variable structure. Dynamical test data for aluminum and copper have been discussed. Particular attention is given to postshot photomicrographic observations of the residual porosity and on investigation of fracture mechanisms and spalling phenomenon. Spalling process has been described as a sequence of the nucleation, growth and coalescence of microvoids. Heuristic considerations of the growth and nucleation of microvoids are presented
General evolution equation for porosity parameter is postulated. This equation describes the work-hardening viscoplastic response of solid and takes also account of the interactions of microvoids. An elastic-viscoplastic model of a material with internal imperfections is proposed. Internal imperfections are generated by the nucleation, growth and coalescence of microvoids. The model describes the dynamical behavior of dissipative solids observed experimentally as well as the mechanisms of fracture. A dynamical criterion of fracture (spalling) of metals is proposed. The criterion describes the dependence of fracture phenomenon upon the evolution of the constitutive structure.
As an application of the theory the dynamic fragmentation process is considered. Prediction of fragment size is based on a very simple evolution equation assumed for the porosity parameter. The procedure of the determination of the interaction material functions has been developed. Affiliations:
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43. |
Perzyna P., Frischmuth K.♦, Kosiński W., Remarks on mathematical theory of materials,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.38, pp.59-69, 1986 | |
44. |
Perzyna P., Constitutive modelling for brittle dynamic fracture in dissipative solids,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.38, pp.725-738, 1986 | |
45. |
Perzyna P., Nowak Z., Równanie ewolucji pustek w obszarze szyjki,
Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.24, pp.1-23, 1985 | |
46. |
Perzyna P., Stability of flow processes for dissipative solids with internal imperfections,
ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK ZAMP, ISSN: 0044-2275, DOI: 10.1007/BF00945448, Vol.35, No.6, pp.848-867, 1984Abstract: In the paper the description of the postcritical behaviour of dissipative solids is presented. A simple model of an elastic-viscoplastic material with internal imperfections is proposed. This model is justified by physical mechanisms of polycrystalline matter flow in some regions of temperature and strain rate changes.
A model proposed satisfies the requirement that during the deformation process in which the effective strain rate is equal to the assumed static value the response of a material becomes elastic-plastic.
The identification procedure for all material functions and constants are based on available experimental data. Both the mechanical test data and physical, metallurgical observations are used. As an example of a quasi-static, isothermal flow process the boundary-initial-value problem describing the necking phenomenon is considered. The problem is formulated in such a way that enables discussion of the influence of strain rate effects, as well as of imperfection and diffusion effects on the onset of localization. Comparison of theoretical predictions with available experimental results is given. Affiliations:
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47. |
Perzyna P., Drabik A., Analysis of the evolution equation describing the postcritical behaviour of dissipative solids,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.36, pp.733-748, 1984 | |
48. |
Perzyna P., Constitutive Modeling of Dissipative Solids for Postcritical Behavior and Fracture,
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, ISSN: 0094-4289, DOI: 10.1115/1.3225739, Vol.106, No.4, pp.410-419, 1984Abstract: The paper aims at the description of the postcritical behavior and fracture of dissipative solids during tensile test. The ductile fracture is understood as the final stage of the necking process and is preceded by the nucleation and growth of voids mostly due to plastic deformations and yield stress state and by the linkage of voids. An elastic-viscoplastic model of solids with internal imperfections parameter interpreted as the void volume fraction is postulated. Elastic-plastic response of the matetrial is also discussed. The material functions and constants are determined based on available mechanical test data as well as on metallurgical observation results. The theory of ductile fracture based on the evolution of internal imperfections is presented. Influence of different effects is examined and synergetic nature of fracture phenomenon is investigated. The criterion of fracture is deduced. The initial-boundary-value problem is discussed. Affiliations:
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49. |
Perzyna P., Frischmuth K.♦, Thermodynamics of the modified material structure with internal state variables,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.35, pp.279-286, 1983 | |
50. |
Perzyna P., Pęcherski R.B., Modified theory of viscoplasticity. Physical foundations and identification of material functions for advanced strains,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.35, pp.423-436, 1983 | |
51. |
Perzyna P., Pęcherski R.B., Analysis of strain rate effects on ductile fracture of metals,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.35, pp.287-301, 1983 | |
52. |
Perzyna P., Stability of flow processes for dissipative solids with internal imperfections,
Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.27, pp.1-66, 1983 | |
53. |
Perzyna P., Application of dynamical system methods to flow processes of dissipative solids,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.34, pp.523-539, 1982 | |
54. |
Perzyna P., Stability problems for inelastic solids with defects and imperfections,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.33, pp.587-602, 1981 | |
55. |
Perzyna P., Wołoszańska K.♦, Discussion of the effects of strain history for viscoplastic materials,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.33, pp.773-784, 1981 | |
56. |
Perzyna P., Modified theory of viscoplasticity. Application to advanced flow and instability phenomena,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.32, pp.403-420, 1980 | |
57. |
Perzyna P., Pęcherski R.B., Analiza wpływu prędkości odkształcenia na zniszczenie plastyczne metali,
Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.62, pp.1-27, 1979 | |
58. |
Perzyna P., Coupling of dissipative mechanisms of viscoplastic flow,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.29, pp.607-624, 1977 | |
59. |
Perzyna P., Coupling of Dissipative Mechanisms of Viscoplastic Flow,
Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.19, 1977 | |
60. |
Perzyna P., Thermodynamics of a unique material structure,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.27, pp.791-806, 1975 | |
61. |
Perzyna P., On material isomorphism in description of dynamic plasticity,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.27, pp.473-484, 1975 | |
62. |
Perzyna P., On thermodynamics of a unique material structure,
63. |
Perzyna P., Internal state variable and rate type descriptions of dynamic plasticity,
64. |
Perzyna P., On isomerphism of unique material structure,
65. |
Perzyna P., Theory of viscoplasticity of irradiated materials,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.26, pp.81-93, 1974 | |
66. |
Olszak W., Perzyna P., Physical theory of viscoplasticity for small deformations,
Mechanics Research Communications, ISSN: 0093-6413, DOI: 10.1016/0093-6413(74)90062-7, Vol.1, No.4, pp.187-190, 1974 | |
67. |
Perzyna P., Sawczuk A., Problems of thermoplasticity,
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, ISSN: 0029-5493, DOI: 10.1016/0029-5493(73)90017-4, Vol.24, No.1, pp.1-55, 1973Abstract: The problems of irreversible deformation of metallic structures have come to the very focus of interest in nuclear reactor technology.
The paper surveys developments of the theory of thermoplasticity. Starting with the notions of thermodynamics of continua a theory of rheological materials with internal changes implied by plastic deformations is presented. Both a general theory of elastic-viscoplastic materials and its experimental motivation are discussed. Thermoplastic relations at infinitesimal deformations are considered.
The second part concerns thermo-plastic boundary value problems. Solutions and methods of solution are discussed for problems of quenching, thermal shocks, internal heat generation and machine parts design. Thermal cycling and combined thermo-mechanical loading are considered, methods of shakedown analysis being presented. Affiliations:
Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN | Sawczuk A. | - | IPPT PAN |
| |
68. |
Perzyna P., Plasticity of irradiated materials. II, Thermomechanical coupling,
69. |
Perzyna P., Plasticity of irradiated materials. I, Experimental motivations and general theory,
70. |
Perzyna P., Physical theory of viscoplasticity,
71. |
Perzyna P., Kosiński W., The unique material structures,
72. |
Perzyna P., Kosiński W., A mathematical theory of materials,
73. |
Perzyna P., Dillon O.W.♦, A gradient theory of materials with memory and internal changes,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.24, pp.727-747, 1972 | |
74. |
Perzyna P., Kosiński W., Analysis of acceleration waves in material with internal parameters,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.24, pp.629-643, 1972 | |
75. |
Perzyna P., Kosiński W., Acceleration waves in material with internal parameters,
76. |
Kosiński W., Perzyna P., Analysis of acceleration waves in rheological material,
BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES, ISSN: 0239-7528, Vol.20, No.4, pp.273-280, 1972Abstract: Acceleration waves in a rheological material in the case of a one-dimensional theory are investigated. It is assumed that the internal dissipation of a rheological material can be described by n internal scalar parameters. The basic theorems for a homothermal acceleration wave are proved. Affiliations:
Kosiński W. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
| |
77. |
Perzyna P., Memory effects and internal changes of a material,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS, ISSN: 0020-7462, DOI: 10.1016/0020-7462(71)90006-0, Vol.6, No.6, pp.707-716, 1971Abstract: A thermodynamic theory of a material with memory and internal changes is proposed. A conception to treat such material as a generalized simple body is shown. Fading memory phenomenon is used to describe the rheological properties and internal state variables are introduced to describe the internal structural changes during plastic deformation. The application of this theory to the description of an elastic-viscoplastic material is given. The discussion of the behavior of an elastic-viscoplastic material during particular processes is presented. Affiliations:
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78. |
Perzyna P., A gradient theory of rheological materials with internal changes,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.23, pp.845-850, 1971 | |
79. |
Perzyna P., On a gradient theory of rheological materials with internal changes,
80. |
Perzyna P., On memory effects and internal changes of a material,
81. |
Perzyna P., On rheological effects and internal changes of a material,
82. |
Perzyna P., Thermodynamics of rheological materials with internal changes,
Journal de mécanique, ISSN: 0021-7832, Vol.10, pp.391-408, 1971 | |
83. |
Perzyna P., Thermodynamic Theory of Viscoplasticity,
Advances in Applied Mechanics, ISSN: 0065-2156, DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2156(08)70345-4, Vol.11, pp.313-354, 1971Abstract: This chapter reviews the thermodynamic foundations of the theory of viscoplasticity. The essential feature of viscoplasticity is the simultaneous description of rheologic and plastic effects of a material. The necessity for simultaneous consideration of viscoelastic and plastic properties of a material is indicated by the experimental investigations of dynamic loads. The thermodynamic theory of elastic-viscoplastic materials presents for finite strains two basic difficulties. The first of these is connected with the kinematic description of plastic deformation. The second difficulty concerns the problem of choice of thermodynamic variables of state. The chapter discusses development of the thermodynamic theory of plasticity for finite strains using the rate-type theory, and generalized the inviscid theory of plasticity to nonisothermal finite deformations. The principle of material frame indifference called “invariance requirements under superposed rigid body motions,” was used and explored the thermodynamical restrictions. The chapter presents the formulation of the thermodynamic theory of a rate-sensitive plastic material within the framework of thermodynamics of a material with internal state variables. In this thermodynamic theory of an inelastic material, the deformation tensor and temperature are considered as thermodynamic state variables, while the components of the inelastic deformation tensor appear as internal state parameters. Affiliations:
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84. |
Kosiński W., Perzyna P., Analiza fal przyśpieszenia w materiale reologicznym,
Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.59, pp.1-32, 1971 | |
85. |
Olszak W., Perzyna P., On thermal effects in viscoplasticity,
ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK ZAMP, ISSN: 0044-2275, DOI: 10.1007/BF01590623, Vol.20, No.5, pp.676-680, 1969 | |
86. |
Perzyna P., Wojno W., On thermodynamics of a rate sensitive plastic material,
87. |
Perzyna P., Wojno W., Thermodynamics of a rate sensitive plastic material,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.20, pp.499-511, 1968 | |
88. |
Olszak W., Perzyna P., The constitutive equations for elastic/visco-plastic soils,
Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, ISSN: 0047-2557, Vol.2, pp.67-72, 1968 | |
89. |
Perzyna P., On Physical Foundations on Viscoplasticity,
Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.28, pp.1-37, 1968 | |
90. |
Perzyna P., Wojno W., Thermodynamics of a Rate Sensitive Plastic Material,
Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.10, pp.1-22, 1968 | |
91. |
Olszak W., Perzyna P., Les equations constitutives et phenomenes de relaxation dans les milieux elasto/visco-plastiques,
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano, ISSN: 0370-7377, DOI: 10.1007/BF02924479, Vol.38, No.1, pp.12-18, 1968Abstract: The paper consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to a discussion of the constitutive equations describing the dynamic properties of soils. In the second part, the relaxation problem in an elastic/visco-plastic soil is considered. Affiliations:
Olszak W. | - | IPPT PAN | Perzyna P. | - | IPPT PAN |
| |
92. |
Perzyna P., On a weak principle of fading memory of a material,
93. |
Perzyna P., Pielorz A., An application of the Courant’s iteration method to the solution of wave problems in an inelastic medium, Part II,
94. |
Perzyna P., Pielorz A., An adaptation of the Courant’s iteration method to the solution of wave problems in an inelastic medium, Part I,
95. |
Perzyna P., On fading memory of a material,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.19, pp.437-447, 1967 | |
96. |
Perzyna P., Pielorz A., Discussion of methods of approximate solution of wave problems in an inelastic medium,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.19, pp.115-127, 1967 | |
97. |
Perzyna P., Koncepcje opisu zanikania pamięci materiału,
Rozprawy Inżynierskie, ISSN: 0867-888X, Vol.15, pp.361-399, 1967 | |
98. |
Perzyna P., On Thermodynamic Foundations of Viscoplasticity,
Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.17, pp.1-25, 1967 | |
99. |
Perzyna P., On thermodynamics of the rate type material,
100. |
Perzyna P., On thermodynamics of elastic-viscoplastic material,
101. |
Perzyna P., Wojno W., On the constitutive equations of elastic-viscoplastic materials at finite strain,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.18, pp.85-100, 1966 | |
102. |
Perzyna P., Simple material and plastic material,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.18, pp.241-258, 1966 | |
103. |
Perzyna P., Fundamental Problems in Viscoplasticity,
Advances in Applied Mechanics, ISSN: 0065-2156, DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2156(08)70009-7, Vol.9, pp.243-377, 1966Abstract: The fundamental assumption of all theories of plasticity—that of time independence of the equations of state—makes simultaneous description of the plastic and rheologic properties of a material impossible. I t is well-known that in many practical problems, the actual behaviour of a material is governed by plastic as well as by rheologic effects. It can even be said that for many important structural materials, rheologic effects are more pronounced after the plastic state has been reached. Every material shows more or less pronounced viscous properties. In some problems, the influence of viscous properties of the material may be negligible, while in others, it may be essential. Both sciences—plasticity and rheology—are concerned with the description of important mechanical properties of structural materials. Each of them has created its own methods of investigation and has developed within the framework of certain assumptions which, unfortunately, cannot always be satisfied in reality. The results of rheology are confined to cases where plastic strain is of no decisive importance. Affiliations:
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104. |
Perzyna P., The application of the iteration method to the solution of the problems of propagation of stress waves in a inelastic medium,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.17, pp.87-107, 1965 | |
105. |
Perzyna P., Wierzbicki T., On temperature dependent and strain rate sensitive plastic materials,
106. |
Perzyna P., On the dynamic behaviour of rate sensitive plastic materials,
107. |
Perzyna P., On the constitutive equations for work-hardening and rate sensitive plastic materials,
108. |
Perzyna P., On a non-linear boundary-value problem for a linear hyperbolic partial differential equation,
109. |
Perzyna P., Bejda J., The propagation of stress waves in a rate sensitive and work-hardening plastic medium,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.16, pp.1215-1244, 1964 | |
110. |
Perzyna P., Wierzbicki T., The propagation of stress waves in a sensitive and work-hardening plastic medium,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.16, pp.1215-1244, 1964 | |
111. |
Perzyna P., Wierzbicki T., Temperature dependent and strain rate sensitive plastic materials,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.16, pp.135-143, 1964 | |
112. |
Perzyna P., On the propagation of stress waves in a rate sensitive plastic medium,
ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK ZAMP, ISSN: 0044-2275, DOI: 10.1007/BF01601063, Vol.14, No.3, pp.241-261, 1963 | |
113. |
Perzyna P., Podstawowe zagadnienia lepkoplastyczności,
Mechanika Teoretyczna i Stosowana, ISSN: 0079-3701, Vol.1, pp.3-30, 1963 | |
114. |
Perzyna P., The study of the dynamic behaviour of rate sensitive plastic materials,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.15, pp.113-130, 1963 | |
115. |
Perzyna P., The constitutive equations for rate sensitive plastic materials,
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, ISSN: 1552-4485, DOI: 10.1090/qam/144536, Vol.20, No.4, pp.321-332, 1963Abstract: The principal aim of the present paper is to generalize the one-dimensional constitutive equations for rate-sensitive plastic materials to general states of stress. The dynamical yield conditions for elastic, visco-plastic materials are discussed and new relaxation functions are introduced. Solutions of the relaxation equations for such materials are given. Keywords: Plastics, Strain rate, Constitutive equations, Stress functions, Plasticity, Differential equations, Tensors, Stress relaxation, Mathematical functions, Stress tensors Affiliations:
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116. |
Perzyna P., Propagation of shock waves in an elastic-visco-plastic medium of a definite non-homogeneity type,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.14, pp.93-111, 1962 | |
117. |
Perzyna P., Olszak W., Propagation of spherical waves in a non-homogeneous elastic-viscoplastic medium,
118. |
Perzyna P., Propagation of shock waves in non-homogeneous elastic-visco-plastic bodies,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.13, pp.851-867, 1961 | |
119. |
Perzyna P., General analysis of the problem of propagation of plane elastic-plastic waves in a non-homogeneous medium,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.12, pp.371-378, 1960 | |
120. |
Perzyna P., Propagation of elastic-plastic waves in a non-homogeneous medium,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.11, pp.595-612, 1959 | |
121. |
Perzyna P., Stress waves in a homogeneous elastic-visco-plastic medium,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.11, pp.441-473, 1959 | |
122. |
Olszak W., Perzyna P., Variational theorems in general viscoelasticity,
Ingenieur-Archiv, ISSN: 0020-1154, DOI: 10.1007/BF00536117, Vol.28, No.1, pp.246-250, 1959 | |
123. |
Perzyna P., Dynamic load carrying capacity of a circular plate,
ARCHIWUM MECHANIKI STOSOWANEJ, ISSN: 0373-2029, Vol.10, pp.635-647, 1958 | |