Dorota Kołbuk-Konieczny PhD is the laureate of the call Small Grant Scheme 2020 financed with the participation of Norwegian funds under the “Applied Research” Program
The National Science Centre has accepted funding for the PRELUDIUM BIS project at IPPT PAN. Prof. S. Stupkiewicz, the project leader, will hand in the project realization to ...
National Science Centre (NCN) has approved and subsidized three new projects from IPPT PAN. Project coordinators: prof. Ł. Jankowski, prof. P. Kiełczyński, prof. M. Komorowski
IPPT PAN has received funding from the International Visegrad Fund. The granted project is carried out in cooperation with three universities: from Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The project will be carried out by dr. hab. Bartłomiej Błachowski
This year, the Polish Ratio and Copernicus Science Centre Science Picnic took place on 8-15 May. Our science show was delivered by prof. Elżbieta Pieczyska’s team
On 8 May Poland celebrates the National Library and Librarian’s Day. On this occasion, we interviewed dr Bogusława Lewandowska-Gruszka, head of IPPT PAN library
Prof. Michał Glinicki has been awarded by the Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology for his book on engineering of concrete roads, "Inżynieria betonowych nawierzchni drogowych"
Marcin Krajewski PhD became laureate of the 2021 Intelligent Development Polish Award. The award committee distinguished this scientist in the categories of: Scientist of the Future
Assoc. Prof. Filippo Pierini has commenced research work under the project Multifunctional smart nanostructured platforms for light-triggered wound healing polytherapy
On the occasion of approaching Easter, Directors of IPPT PAN would like to express their gratitude and wish Happy Easter to everyone at IPPT PAN
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