Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Science Festival is one of the largest science events at IPPT PAN aimed at disseminating and popularizing science by presenting interesting and diverse research projects in lectures, workshops, demonstrations in laboratories.

Minister of Education and Science awarded another round of scholarships to outstanding young scientists. The awards have been conferred to young scientists who conduct high-quality innovative research.

IPPT PAN has announced the winners of 2022 Director’s Awards, which have been presented to IPPT PAN scientific employees. The laureates received 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree awards in three categories: Scientific Achievements, Didactic Achievements, Operational Achievements

The project results were promoted by dr Rami Faraj in June 2023 during the 4th International Fire Protection & Rescue Exhibition KIELCE IFRE-EXPO in Kielce, Poland.

Scientists at IPPT PAN developed a new stand for the deposition of coatings by magnetron sputtering. Dr hab. T. Mościcki is developing superhard coatings as part of the SUPERCOATS project.

The research team from IPPT PAN supervised by Paweł Nakielski, PhD designed a biomaterial of microscaffolds, which will help deliver drugs and cells to the organism in a noninvasive way with a syringe.

From 23rd to 25th May 2023, IPPT PAN hosted 3rd Annual Meeting of AtomDeC -“Atomic Design of Carbon Materials for New Normal Society” project.

On May 27, 2023, the Institute took part in the 26th Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center. The theme of the 26th Science Picnic was "SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONS".

IPPT PAN is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Meeting of the AtomDeC project, which will be held from 23rd May to 25th May at IPPT PAN.

The Polish Patent Office granted the IPPT PAN a new patent. The creators work at the Department of Experimental Mechanics, IPPT PAN: M. A. Glinicki, M. Sobczak, D. Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka, K. Gibas-Bogusz, and M. Dąbrowski.

Category A Plus


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